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Carolinas Chapter 2025 Spring Reunion

May 2, 2025

The Carolinas Chapter will hold its 2025 Spring Mini-Reunion at the Four Points Sheraton Hotel in Spartanburg, South Carolina Friday and Saturday, May 2-4, 2025. The Four Points by Sheraton Hotel Spartanburg is located off Interstate I-26 Exit 19B and Business I-85 Exit 2C. (Former Wilson World property)

GUESTROOMS &RATES – Traditional King and (2) Queen Guestrooms are $99.00/night (w/out Breakfast). Rates do not include taxes (currently 11%). Self-Parking is complimentary.

Reservations may be made by individual attendees directly with Marriott reservations at 864-707-4700 or the direct booking link(Available Later). All reservations must be accompanied by a first-night room deposit or guaranteed with a major credit card. Mention: Carolinas Chapter 4thInfantry Division Association 2025 Reunion to receive our room rate.


Held at the Holiday Inn Gateway, Savannah, GA - April 13, 2024

Chapter President Phil Menendez called the business meeting to order at 11:00 AM. The invocation was given by Willard Robershaw, and then led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Brian Morrissey placed the MIA/POW Flag in its place of honor at the head of the room. President Menendez then welcomed everyone to the spring reunion. One first timer joined the meeting, Bill ‘Brock’ Wainscott, who served with the 4th Infantry in Vietnam.

National President Rick Adams read the minutes of the last Chapter reunion held at the Four Points Sheraton, in Spartanburg, SC, April 22 - 23, 2023. The minutes were approved as read.

Chapter Treasurer Don Eisenman gave his usual thorough Financial and Membership reports. The chapter checkbook balance as of March 31, 2024, is $5,338.33 and the membership stands at 105 members. The complete details of his reports are attached. His reports were unanimously approved as submitted.                                    

On Old Business, President Phil Menendez read an award certificate presented to the Carolinas Chapter by Bert Nicholson, chairman of the Memorial Committee for the chapters support to the care and maintenance of the Associations foreign monuments in France. The chapter recently donated funds for an erosion barrier at the Manheulles WWI monument that was featured in the recent Ivy Leaves.

President Menendez indicated that the Executive Committee recommended two donations be made from the chapter’s funds. They would be $500 each to the Scholarship and Memorial funds. Both donations were unanimously approved by the members.

National President Rick Adams was asked to give an update on the National Association’s business and Reunions. He reported that National’s Long Term planning committee is meeting again to look at possible membership changes and recruiting younger veterans into leadership roles. We will be going to two printed Ivy Leaves per year, a Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter issues, and using the monthly digital E-Ivy Newsletters to reach members more frequently. They hope to have recommendations to present at the National reunion that will be held in San Antonio in September. There was a question about Scholarships and the selection procedure. Last year we began awarding scholarships based on a blind judging of Patriotic Essays submitted by the applicants. The 2024 essay topic is “What does patriotism mean to me?” The amount of scholarships is based on the Scholarship Trust Fund balance as of the end of our fiscal year June 30th, we then award up to ten percent of the Trust balance in $1,000 increments. He encouraged everyone to make their National reunion reservations early. He also mentioned we are looking at Colorado Springs, Colorado and Fort Carson for the 2025 National Reunion.

President Phil Menendez presented a new slate of officers for2024-2025. President Menendez, Senior Vice President Brian Morrissey and Don Eisenman, Treasurer would continue in their current positions, John Ebner is nominated for Junior Vice President, and Brenda Menendez is nominated for Secretary. There were no further nominations, and the group was elected by acclamation. National President Rick Adams administered the Oath of Office.

The members agreed to hold the 2025 spring reunion in Spartanburg, South Carolina. Rick Adams will contact the Four Points Sheraton and see what arrangements can be made and report back to Phil and Brian.

The members signed several get well and thinking of you cards for members who are dealing with health issues or unable to travel to our gathering. Cards were sent to Mike May, Richard Bolin, Carl Dry, David Gaffney, Diana Poole, Keith Goulait, and Herb Shore.

The Flames of Remembrance Ceremony was conducted during the business meeting as the group was going out for dinner at a local restaurant.  President Phil Menendez conducted the ceremony with the ladies of the chapter; Brenda Menendez, Donna Robershaw, Marge Eisenman, and Diane Morrissey as the candle lighters. The ladies were all appreciative and felt honored to participate in this solemn ceremony.

Willard Robershaw offered the Benediction and Brian Morrissey retired the MIA/POW Flag, and President Menendez adjourned the meeting.

Respectfully submitted, Brenda Menendez, Chapter Secretary


The Carolinas Chapter held its 2023 Spring Mini-Reunion at the Four Points Sheraton Hotel in Spartanburg, South Carolina Friday and Saturday, April 21/22, 2023. Attendees were Rick & Patty Adams, Richard & Sheila Bolin, Carl, Joan & Lawson Dry, John Ebner & Becky Rowe, Mike May, Phil& Brenda Menendez, Brian & Diane Morrissey, Willard & Donna Robershaw, and Jerry & Judi Soslowicz.

We had two first timers in attendance: John Ebner a new member of the Carolinas chapter who served with B/1/12 Infantry in Vietnam, and Jerry Soslowicz of the Ohio chapter who served with B/1/10 Cavalry in Vietnam. Jerry and Rick Adams served together, and they haven’t seen each other since the National Reunion in Akron, Ohio.

(Pictured L-R) Jerry & Judi Soslowicz, Patty& Rick Adams

The Carolinas Chapter will be hosting the hospitality room at the 2023 National Reunion in Jacksonville, Florida. Contact Phil Menendez and Brian Morrissey if you can help with the hospitality room duties.

In our business meeting we agreed to keep the same slate of officers for the coming year. We also approved a donation of $1,600 to the Monument Committee to cover the cost of an erosion wall that is being installed at the Manheulles, France WWI monument. The attendees all signed several get well and thinking of you cards to send to members who could not attend or are dealing with health issues. Last year the chapter decided to hold only one mini-reunion per year, in the spring, and not do a fall reunion. A committee of three, Brian Morrissey, John Ebner, and Sheila Bolin will research a site for the 2024 Spring reunion. Watch for details in the Ivy Leaves and on the website.